Wednesday 30 January 2013

4 ways to spend a girl’s night out

Ladies night outs are terrific ways to promote friendship and bonding. It is a great way to relieve stress, know each other, have terrific fun and just break through the monotony of daily life. Lately if you had been suffering from depression, then a girls’ night out can be just what the doctor prescribed. For some girls, a night out can mean dinner and drinks, for some others it may be dancing and rocking the dance floor while for some others it may be something more exciting and really wild. Any way you slice it, a girl’s night out ought to be quality time spent with your closest girlfriends. Here are some ideas waiting for you:

Sporting event: When it comes to sporting event, most people think that it is how men spend guys’ night out. But it is a great idea for a girl’s night out as well, especially for sporty gals. Depending on what sport is in season, organize the night out to a baseball, basket ball, and badminton or tennis court game. It is sure to provide few hours of entertainment watching professionals play. It is a social outing that everyone can enjoy, even if someone doesn’t understand the game.

Spa night: All girls love going to the spa and what can be a better idea than enjoying a spa with cocktails and friends around? If you want it indoors, you can call the manicurist and the masseuse at your home. Have a potluck of food and beverages, sip a cocktail and chat with your friends while enjoying the message and manicure. Many cities offer an all inclusive party package that includes food and drinks along with spa services. Enquire if such services are available in your locality and book if interested. But that’s likely to cost you more. Beauty bars are another great destination for a girl’s night out. These bars offer manicure and pedicure services along with a complete bar so that you can enjoy a glass of drink while getting your nails done.

Casino: Casino can be another option to have a blast for the girl’s night out. A night of gambling and cocktails can be memorable way to have a night out with your girlfriends.

Male strippers: Tired of females? Want some males around? End your party with a male stripper’s performance. You can also arrange the show indoor by simply calling them home. This idea is for girls who believe in having wild fun. But make sure that all your friends are comfortable with the idea.

If you are a resident of Brisbane and are planning to hire male strippers for your girl’s night out, do not worry. There are many agencies that provide Male strippers Brisbane. You can personally go to these agencies with your friends and choose the hunk you think can satisfy your wild fantasy. A Male stripper Brisbane is often hired for girls’ night out, hens’ party, girl’s reunion and the like.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Steps to organize girls’ night in and night out

A girls’ night out is possibly the best time to have some wild fun with your girl pals. The best part is that you do not need any particular reason for planning a girl’s night out. If you are thinking of organizing a girls’ night out with your friends, here are some helpful steps to that.

  • Find a destination: Select a destination considering the generic preference of your friend group. For example, if your friend group enjoys dancing and clubbing, look for a nearby discotheque. This will be a perfect place to spend the whole night in.
  • If wild fun is in your wish list, then you can consider a striptease bar. These bars have male waiters, strip shows that you and your friends can enjoy. Male waiter Brisbane are quite famous. If you happen to live there, you can browse through several bars and nightclubs that have such attractions.

  • Meet-up place: Once you are done with the destination, decide a meet-up location. This can be any of your friend’s houses. Just make sure that you choose a meet-up location that is convenient for all your friends (including you). The idea of a meet-up location is to ensure that all of you can collectively travel to the party destination. This will eliminate any chance of confusion and your entire friend group can arrive together at the venue.
  • Make sure that you also decide who will drive the car. In case of long route, do not assign one person to drive the car. It is advisable that you hire a professional driver. You can also opt for cab service.
  • Once you arrive at the destination, choose a meet-up point. In case, any of your friends get lost and cannot contact you through phone, she can come to this location.
  • Finally, find a place where your entire friend group can spend their evening. Make sure that the place is appropriate which lets you enjoy performances (if any) and maintains your privacy.
  • Order drinks and have fun. Remember this is your time. Throw away all your worries and spend quality time with your friends.
  • Girls’ night is a perfect way to spend quality time. However, if you are on a tight budget and cannot afford for a fancy night out, you can always go for a girls’ night in. In a girls’ night in you will have plenty of time to bond over with your girl pals. Here are some simple steps on how you can organize girls’ night in successfully.

  • Call each of your friends: Tell them about your plan and if possible, you can set up a dress code. Say suppose, a pyjama party will work perfectly for a night in. It is advisable to have a group chat over the phone/internet and decide upon the preferred dress code.
  • Beverages: If your friends are huge alcohol buffs, wine will be great. You can also arrange for fun girly cocktails. Margaritas, strawberry daiquiris are some of the epical drinks you can arrange.
  • Games: This will be one of the integral parts of your night in. Arrange for fun group games what your entire friend group can enjoy. Example: truth and dare, card games etc.
  • Movie: To enhance the ambience, play a romantic movie. Every one of you can play games and gossip over the movie dialogues, things that you all have liked or disliked. Do not play an unseen movie. You do want to spend the whole night silently watching a movie. Remember the movie should be one of the things to gossip over.
  • Pizza: This is the best dish you can arrange. It does not need any fork or spoon to eat and all of you can have it while sitting on the bed. Pizza is something that everyone will like and is affordable too.